Hagerstown Church of the Brethren
15 S. Mulberry St., Hagerstown, MD 21740
Phone: 301-733-3565 * FAX: 301-733-3598

"Church in the Heart of the City with the City at Heart"
Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.

Take a Moment Prayer: Week of April 21

Week of April 28 - Gracious Lord, the new life that I see outside in the gardens and fields, on the trees and in the lush green lawns, leaves me feeling so alive. The vast bright sky bids my spirit to soar high like the clouds in the atmosphere and face the day with a light and positive attitude. You, Holy God, are all I need to make life as delightful as a fresh Spring day. Your loving presence fills me with joy; and comforts me when the threat of personal storms arise. I am very blessed to know you and to be known by you. I praise you, O God...today and everyday. Amen.

Week of April 21 - Gentle Shepherd, each day I listen for your voice and seek your presence for the reassurance of your love and for guidance through my day. I know that I can count on you to help me be the person that you created me to be. You have shown me your faithfulness over and over again. When I wander off the narrow path, you patiently protect me and call me back to you. I remember and pray for those who are suffering. Come to them, Gentle Shepherd, with your care and provide healing and comfort. I pray for those who do not know you as their Gentle Shepherd. Just as others have cared for me and led me to know you; show me how to care for and share the Good News with others who cross my path in need of finding you. With faith, I will seek to follow you today and everyday. Amen.

Week of April 14 - You are the joy of my life, O Lord. Waking up every morning to your glorious presence welcoming me to the day gives me peace…assuring me that this will be a good day. I know I do not need to fear what today or tomorrow will bring because you are by my side every day. But you know me...even better than I know myself, Lord, and you know anxiety and fear can unexpectedly arise within me and get the best of me. Help me if I should be overcome by painful or distracting circumstances that hide your presence from me right when I need you most. Lead me this day in all your ways. Amen.

Week of April 7 - God and Father of our Risen Savior, Every day I look for evidence of your mighty works and caring love in my life, and I am aware, in these moments of prayer, that you come through in mighty and small ways. I don't like admitting it, but I confess that sometimes I miss realizing your works in my life until sometime later. Forgive me when I get so wrapped up in the events of the day to stop and take a few moments to express my gratitude for all you've done to get me through the day. Thank you for the resurrection life you have given me...making it possible to begin each new day with a fresh attitude to face challenges and with a deep appreciation to enjoy the opportunities you give me. I also thank you for my church family. The bond you create in us is mighty. The nurturing I receive from our unity helps me stay the faithful course. I ask that you continue to lead us with your Holy Spirit so as to make us a beacon of light that shines on the path that leads to you. This is my prayer, in Jesus' name. Amen.