Hagerstown Church of the Brethren
15 S. Mulberry St., Hagerstown, MD 21740
Phone: 301-733-3565 * FAX: 301-733-3598

"Church in the Heart of the City with the City at Heart"
Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.


The Hagerstown Church of the Brethren offers a variety of opportunities for sharing your musical talents: 

Temple Choir

Directed by David Benton, the Temple Choir rehearses Thursdays from 7:30 - 8:30 pm. 

They sing at the 11 o'clock worship each Sunday. 


The Back Row Singers

The men in the Temple Choir have been dubbed the Back Row Singers as they offer occasional presentations on Sunday mornings.


Brethren Bells

John Rudy directs Brethren Bells, a hand bell choir that rehearses Thursdays from 6:30 - 7 pm. This group performs periodically in Sunday morning worship.


Praise Band

The praise band provides music for the Sunday@nine service, a contemporary worship in the Fellowship Hall, each Sunday at 9 am.


For more more information about how you can participate in one of these musical groups, contact David Benton.