Hagerstown Church of the Brethren
15 S. Mulberry St., Hagerstown, MD 21740
Phone: 301-733-3565 * FAX: 301-733-3598

"Church in the Heart of the City with the City at Heart"
Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.

Fall Festival 2022
Baptism and New Members
Prayer Walk May 15
Easter Chancel

Click on News tab below for current & upcoming events.

Hagerstown Church of the Brethren

Take a Moment Prayer: Week of May 12

Look for this prayer each week. Take time to pray it each day and know that your church family is saying this prayer too.

You, O God, are a Loving and Nurturing Parent. Thank you, for the home I find in you. Being at home in you shapes me in how I live each day. I wish everyone found their home in you. I think of those, Lord, who because of their earthly negative family circumstances, find it hard to imagine a home...even a Godly home...filled with unconditional love, forgiveness and nurturing support. Homes...families suffer when they lack this foundation. Families are being attacked by conflicting values, social influences and pressures, and selfishness. I see too many family bonds disintegrating as family units drift away from You and the church. I pray for these families. Throw out the welcome mat to making their home in you again and again...as often as needed until their members awaken to your presence along with the hope and healing you can bring. I pray for all families; that above all else...each member will make themselves at home in you. Amen.

The Pastor's Pen - January 2024

We should come away from Christmas reminded that Jesus came into this world so that things could be different. He did not come so that we could have a holiday including time off from work or school, presents, cookies, lots of other food and time with friends and family. The story of Jesus does not end at the stable. Jesus grows up and becomes our teacher and example for how God calls us to live.

Food Pantry (Updated Dec 7, 2022)

The first Sunday of every month is Food Pantry Sunday. Bring in your gift(s) of non-perishable food items, place them on the cart as you enter the west entrance,  and a volunteer delivers the food to a local food bank.

We thank everyone for their continued support of this ministry to our  community!

Just a reminder - all items should be   either dry, boxed, or in cans. Please do not bring in anything in a glass jar that could break and injure a recipient or our volunteers. 


Updated Mask Guideline (Updated Aug 29, 2022)

Covid guideline reminders. **We ask that if you know, or suspect, you have been exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid, or if you have a  temperature and/or you are feeling unwell, that you remain home and worship with us via Facebook.**

We ask that everyone attending worship please observe social distancing guidelines. You may enter and exit through the West Entrance, and exit only through the Washington Street door. Please do not stop on the outside steps to chat and possibly block those entering and exiting behind you. Also, remember to keep a clear path from the building to the sidewalk ramp as we enter and exit at the west entrance.  We need to keep that path clear to make it easier for those who have special needs to access the use of the ramp to their car.


Junior Church (Updated Sep 24, 2021)

Junior Church is held in the Fellowship Hall on the 4th Sunday of each month and is open to those in Kindergarten through Grade 6. 

Parents may keep their child in worship or accompany him or her, especially if is the child is uncertain about going,